LISOD&ODREX Oncology Conference
January 25, 2019, Odessa, Ukraine
Medical Hub Odrex,
г. Одесса, ул. Раскидайловская, 69/71
Интеграция современной лучевой терапии и новых системных методов в персонализированном лечении рака
Integration of modern radiotherapy and novel systemic therapies in personalized cancer care
Alla Vinnytska
MD, PhD, Professor
The oncologic gynecologist, well-known in Ukraine and Europe, doctor of medical sciences, Chief Medical Officer of LISOD Hospital of Israeli Oncology.
Member of the European Society of Oncogynecologists (ESGO), European Society of Medical Oncologists (ESMO), European Cervical Cancer Association (ECCA), American Society of Clinical Oncologists.
Professor Vinnitskaya masters all modern methods of diagnostics and cancer treatment. She is the author of more than 200 scientific publications, co-author of more than 10 patents.
Einat Even-Sapir
MD, PhD, Professor of Nuclear Medicine
Head of the Department of Nuclear Medicine of Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov hospital), Tel-Aviv, Israel. Professor of the Department of Imaging Research, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv National University.
Member of the North American Society of Nuclear Medicine, European Society of Nuclear Medicine, Israeli Society of Nuclear Medicine, Israeli Academy of Molecular Imaging.
The world famous expert in nuclear medicine, specializing in the study of molecular imaging in oncology, in particular, in the field of positron emission tomography.
Abraham Kuten
MD, Professor
Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa, Israel). Head of the Oncology Department of the Italian Hospital in Haifa.
Member of the Israel Medical Association (IMA), Israeli Society of Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy (ISCORT), American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO), International Psycho-Oncological Society (IPOS), American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO), American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), Israel Cancer Association, Israel Society of Surgical Oncology, International Society for Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (ISIORT), European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO), European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC).
One of the most respected experts in Israel and the world in the field of targeted and immunotherapy.
Nikolai Novikov
MD, Radiologist
The Head of Diagnostic Radiology Department, LISOD Hospital of Israeli Oncology.
Dr. Novikov conducts all modern high-precision types of radiation diagnostic studies (PET-CT, CT, nuclear and X-ray studies).
Andrei Saulov
MD, Clinical Oncologist
An expert in the field of hematology, a high class chemotherapist. Clinical oncologist of the Israeli Oncology Hospital LISOD.
Full member of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO); the European Hematological Association (EHA).
Dr. Saulov masters modern methods of treatment of all types of cancer.
Marina Sokolovskaya
Associate Professor of the Department of Radiology, Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.
Radiation Oncologist at LISOD Hospital of Israeli Oncology.
Conference Programm
Программа конференции
09.00 Регистрация / Утренний кофе
10.00 Приветствие
10.15 Последние достижения в лечении рака: интеграция геномного профиля на основе таргетной и лучевой терапии. Проф. А. Кутен, MD, Хайфа, Израиль; глава Совета консультантов LISOD
10.45 Новые горизонты в лечении рака с помощью биологических агентов и иммунотерапии. А. Саулов, MD, Киев, Украина; клинический онколог LISOD
11.15 Онкогинекология: основные достижения в 2018 году. Проф. А. Винницкая, MD, PhD, Киев, Украина; главный врач LISOD
11.45 Кофе-брейк
12.15 Деэскалация локально-регионарной терапии первичного рака молочной железы: от максимально переносимого до минимально эффективного лечения. М. Соколовская MD, PhD, Киев, Украина; радиолог LISOD
12.45 Физиологическая визуализация в лечении рака: роль позитронно-эмиссионной томографии. Проф. Э. Эвен-Сапир, MD, PhD, Тель-Авив, Израиль; Mедицинский центр им. Сураски
13.15 Презентации случаев. Н. Новиков, MD, Киев, Украина; зав. отделением лучевой диагностики LISOD
Панельная дискуссия
13.45 Закрытие конференции
13.50 Обед
Conference Program
09.00 Registration / Welcome coffee
10.00 Greetings
10.15 State of the art cancer care: integrating genomic profile based targeted therapies and RT. Prof. A. Kuten, MD, Haifa, Israel; Head of Advisory Board, LISOD
10.45 New horizons in the management of cancer by biologic agents and immunotherapy. A. Saulov, MD, Kiev, Ukraine; Oncologist, LISOD
11.15 Gyneco-oncology: 2018 state of the art highlights. Prof. A.Vinnitskaya, MD, PhD, Kiev, Ukraine; Chief Medical Officer, LISOD
11.45 Coffee break
12.15 De-escalating loco-regional therapy of primary breast cancer: from maximal tolerable to minimal effective treatment. M. Sokolovskaya, MD, PhD, Kiev, Ukraine; Radiation Oncologist, LISOD
12.45 Physiological imaging in the management of cancer: the role of positron emission tomography. Prof. Einat Even Sapir, MD, PhD, Tel Aviv, Israel; Sourasky Medical Centre
13.15 Case presentations. N. Novikov, MD, Kiev, Ukraine; Head of Diagnostic Radiology Department, LISOD
Panel discussion
13.45 Concluding remarks
13.50 Lunch
To take part
Для участия в конференции «Интеграция современной лучевой терапии и новых системных методов в персонализированном лечении рака» необходимо пройти регистрацию на сайте и оплатить регистрационный взнос. Стоимость регистрационного взноса составляет: 500 грн